(G)Rainy Days

They are here again, those days of high ISO, those days where you really hesitate to go out and walk around town with your camera in hand. They are here, the g(rainy) days. The glorious days of pushed HP5 film... or even of high ISO iPhone snaps. Anything works, just do me a favour, go... Continue Reading →

Window Shopping

Just to show that my new (old) Contax Tvs is a really nice and capable camera, and not a lemon as I assumed before, here are some photos I took today and developed correctly!Beautiful lens, great handling.... I love this camera!

I am an Idiot….

OK, some gear talk now. I know I said no more such things but I have to confess.... I am a bloody idiot! I got a very nice Contax Tvs camera off eBay last week. Works like a charm, feels great and has just the bells and whistles I want, manual aperture, manual focus if... Continue Reading →

I got a present today!

I got something nice today! The ultimate Analogue Recordkeeping and Undo Device!Here it is:No seriously, head over to Shoot Film Co. to see their fun stuff!  

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