Compact Film Cameras?

What is a compact camera? The Olympus OM1 is hailed as the most compact SLR, and it truly is. A marvel of haptics and function! But is it compact, as in.... well small and pocketable? Certainly not. Then there's the Nikon and Canon compacts of the nineties. Ugly plastic bricks albeit with great lenses such as... Continue Reading →


Where are they bound? Where are they from? Travellers! Travelling! Coming? Going! Arriving? Departing? Always moving! Never standing still!   Thanks for being here!

Ten Thousand!

Hey, I just got over ten thousand views this year... makes me happy! OK, there's blogs that have that exact number EVERY DAY, but I'm glad that some people follow my ravings and even, sometimes return to my site to get more.... A big "Thank You" to all who stop by and take a look.... Continue Reading →

Early Morning – Going to Work

It's six thirty in the morning, an ungodly time! Shops are opening, sellers offer their wares But I'm up and after half an hour's bus ride I'm in town, on my way to work. Of course, my camera is with me! It's dark! Of course, It's december, early, night has not left yet. Lights are on... Continue Reading →

Luxembourg Airport by Night

Do you also think that train stations and airports hold a special fascination? Travel, escape, gateways to the world.... But for us photographers they are even more fascinating! Especially at night. The local, and main airport here in Luxembourg is fairly small as airports go. But it still has all the important features we look for.... Continue Reading →

Printing a Light Meter!

No, I'm not kidding. I use a printed light meter with my meterless Leica IIIa! Well, it's not really a light meter... It's just a very clever sliding table that gives me the correct exposure for any lighting situation. Normally when you use a film with a nice exposure latitude like Ilford's HP5 or Kodak... Continue Reading →

Fun with Macphun Luminar?

I have been aware of the nice products of Macphun for some time now and I downloaded their black and white conversion app TONALITY from the appstore some time ago. I found it very easy to use and very powerful, with tools that even my old brain can grasp. Though I currently use also Lightroom,... Continue Reading →

They are looking at me…

This is something anyone photographing people in the streets will have to live with... the looks of your subjects! As much as you try to be inconspicuous and not draw any attention to your doings, sometimes people notice - which makes for great images, but which is also quite unnerving. At least for me as... Continue Reading →

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