Leica IIIa, first real images….

I finally came around to developing the first film that were not only test images for my Leica IIIa. All shot on Fomapan 100, a film I'm not sure I like, really. Too bad, as it's real cheap.... The lens I used is my Summitar 50mm f:2.0, slightly hazy and with a nice scratch on... Continue Reading →

What does MINT have in store for us?

I received a mail today, a mail from MINT, the guys behind such gorgeous things as the refurbished Polaroid SX70's with shutter speed control and the InstantFlex TL70 camera using Fuji's Instax Mini format. The ad features this picture prominently: On next Tuesday they will unveil their 'Game Changer', but we might already start guessing what... Continue Reading →


Yeah, I got this very beautiful Leica IIIa which is bound to be my weapon of choice from now on. I have some very nice 50mm lenses with it, a Summitar, a Summar that's 'a bit' hazy and an Industar 50/3.5 and a Jupiter 8 on the way from Mother Russia. Then I thought about... Continue Reading →

Annoying little Wonder!

I've received a present! It's not Christmas, it's not my birthday, but I received a present. A very kind gent in the U.K. thought my photographs not too shabby and decided to part with his unused Leica IIIa. He sent it to me for the price of postage! Yes, such things still exist nowadays. I... Continue Reading →

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