ASS-ing around!

You digital people don’t know how good your life is! You see dramatic light and shade, just switch to black and white! You see gorgeous colours, you switch to colour! With film you’re set! Got black and white film in the camera, too bad for the great colours. Ok, you can convert your colour film shots to... Continue Reading →

Why I’m down to just THREE cameras!

...and four lenses! No, it's not because I've been mostly sitting at home for over three months now nursing my foot. Even before I pared down my camera stable to these three cameras. They each represent a camera class in it's own and I'll first try to explain why I kept these specific cameras. At... Continue Reading →

Three years already!

It's been three years today that I started this blog! Very few posts at first, then I picked up steam and got into the habit and have published about 260 posts more or less regularly. I think I have not bored anyone to death until now, so I think I'll continue. Here's one photograph from... Continue Reading →

I want to ride my Bicycle…..

Just to quote Queen! I don't know what it is but those bicycles have always held some appeal for me, photographically speaking. Of course I'm not riding one myself. Not the very sporty guy. I prefer walking, prefer it by far. Perhaps I should see some shrink, but the forms and structures of those contraptions... Continue Reading →

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