Why not try color?

OK I know I said I'd go b&w only.... but never say never! But honestly, this is not really color! It's a hint of color. So why not get acquainted with color film again in homeopathic doses.   I bought a Tetenal Colortec C41 kit and developed 3 rolls of cheapo color film. One Agfa... Continue Reading →

Generation Art – The Fourth Challenge

After last weeks terrible experience, this challenge was to be something I like. Well up to now I liked doing it in daytime. The theme was this time 'Night Photography' and more specifically, Luxembourg by Night. We met this time on friday evening, 8 pm at the local railway station and were given the subject... Continue Reading →

More from the Second Challenge

I don't shoot a lot of frames, film is expensive, film makes you think! You can't chimp, delete, start again. So the number of frames that came from my second 'Generation Art' challenge is quite minimalistic. In all I took.... let me see (switches to the photo library, counts...) 20 photos! Yes thats like a... Continue Reading →

A Most Unique Leica IIIa

As you might have heard my Leica IIIa had a big problem last week. Shutter speeds were inexistent, cocking the shutter was difficult as there was something blocking the mechanism.... I was shattered! Different inquiries brought quotes of 300 to 600 € for a complete repair with CLA. I don't have that money right now (nor later... Continue Reading →

Generation Art – The Second Challenge

They had a surprise for us, specially brewed by luxembourgish photographer Marc Wilwert. As Marc is a native of the southern city of Esch-sur-Alzette, the challenge had of course something to do with this region. Esch is known for it's very typical, very outspoken, working class, left voting and deeply honest people. This city was... Continue Reading →

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